How do you photograph a funeral?

In British culture we seem very averse to showing emotion or embracing and remembering that part of our life – death. On this topic, one of my university lecturers spoke of a time she was asked to photograph a Sikh funeral. Despite her reluctance and the families persistence she eventually did. The purpose was notContinue reading “How do you photograph a funeral?”

The last photograph

The photograph below was taken of my wife’s nan, Joan Stevens, a week before she passed away.  The image was taken in the hospice where she passed only a week later.  The image continues my photographic exploration.  Today we put her to rest. The image was taken using a Zero Image 2000 pinhole camera, IlfordContinue reading “The last photograph”

Art Photobooks

Over recent weeks I’ve been increasingly making Art Photobooks using a range of my previous projects. This is the fifth one so far, printed and ready for binding.

Taking Pictures of People Taking Pictures

In a world of smart phones and digital photography we all have a high quality camera in our pockets and at our fingertips.  This results more than ever in a desire to document everything around us.  Whether it’s the food we eat or the places we go, photography is all around us everyday. Taking PhotosContinue reading “Taking Pictures of People Taking Pictures”